Tuesday, April 19, 2011

When to Spill the Beans....

It has been so hard for me to not say anything to anyone that we are expecting. I've wanted this for so long and want to share our good news with everyone. However, we have decided to wait to tell our families until Mother's Day, which is May 8th...the day before our first appointment. Unfortunately we won't have our first picture, but we've come up with a cute way to tell them without it. We think we are going to tell our parents by wrapping up a pair of baby booties for their Mother's Day presents, and then when they open them, we will tell them that we are expecting! However for my sisters, I want to come up with a clever pregnancy announcement and put the ultrasounds picture in it. I'm thinking something like this-  I found at littleangelannouncements.com

I am planning on telling my two friends from work tomorrow. It's been really hard for me to not say anything to them. The reason I am telling them before our families is for one, Julyla is pregnant and I have a lot of questions I want to ask her, and two, Beth is my Wednesday night Tip Top partner and if I'm not drinking beer...she's gonna know something's up. Tomorrow we are getting together for dinner and a movie and I'm going to tell them then. I can't wait to see the look on their faces!

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