Sunday, April 17, 2011

We're Pregnant!

Well, that was easier than I had anticipated! I had in my head that it would probably take us months to conceive, but we actually got a surprise this month....we are pregnant! We had decided that we would wait to start trying till June, but with it being April...we are just a bit early. ;-)

Wednesday would have been the 28th day in my cycle and I expected I would start that day, but when nothing happened, I thought well as long as I start by Friday, I'm still okay. Friday came around and still nothing. I braced Raj with the news that I had not started yet and to prepare himself that we might need to buy a pregnancy test this weekend. He said...WHAT? Then he looked at the calendar...and said, yeah...I guess we will have to. I woke up Saturday and still felt like I had small cramps so I was sure I was going to start. I swear, I went to the bathroom all day, fully expecting to start, but nothing. All day, I kept going back and forth in my head...I'm pregnant, no I'm not, Yes I am.....and so on. I was really worried about getting my hopes up and then finding out I wasn't. We finally bought a test at the store, but determined we would wait till Sunday morning to test.

It was difficult for me to fall asleep that night. Raj and I talked about the possibility of me being pregnant. We went back and forth about when we thought we had conceived and talked about things we were worried or anxious about. We think we are 3 weeks. I finally fell asleep.

The next morning, I got up finally around 8:30am and took the test. I was so nervous. But as soon as I flipped the stick over, I saw it...two pink lines...I was pregnant! I quickly took a picture of it and then went back into our bedroom. Surprisingly, Raj was awake and had a smile on his face...he said well...I couldn't help but smile. I said we're gonna have a baby! We kissed and enjoyed the moment.

I asked Raj if he was excited and he said he was. I was so glad to hear those words. He asked me if I was less nervous, and I said, yes. I feel really good. We decided to go out to breakfast to celebrate our good news. After breakfast, we went to the book store and bought the book, What to Expect When You Are Expecting. I had always heard it was a great book to get, and since we have so many questions I thought it would be good to get a book to help answer them. I've already read 5 chapters in it!

I still can't believe I am actually pregnant. I have been waiting for this day for over 4 years. It feels good, but strange at the same time. It's hard to comprehend how much our lives are about to change. I told Raj, I wonder when I'll actually feel pregnant....he said, I think you already do. And it was then that I started to realize small symptoms I've been experiencing. Last week my boobs were so sore...worse than they have ever felt with a period. And after work, I actually took a nap, because I was so exhausted. I think the cramping I've been feeling...which I thought originally was menstrual cramps...was actually the sperm/egg traveling down my fallopian tubes and attaching to my uterus. I also feel a small bit of queasiness and have heartburn and have been burping a ton!

Raj went over all of the current medications I take, and we decided on the ones I can take...prenatal and fish oil...all the rest are off limits. We also talked about caffeine, and I've decided I will avoid it during the pregnancy. We are in the process of deciding on a diet for the pregnancy. I want to eat as healthy as I can for myself and the baby. I also don't want to gain a lot of weight. I'm already over weight as it is, and extra weight will just complicate things. We have decided to keep an exercise plan, we went on a walk today, and plan on doing some swimming.

Today has been one long day, I am very tired, and very excited. I want to tell everyone the good news, but I think I will hold off for a few weeks...possibly until the first ultrasound. So tonight I am going to email my doctor with the good news, and hopefully I can get in this week to get my first appointment.

Also, I have been teasing Raj he is pregnant no beer for him either! He isn't buying it yet. LOL


  1. Good site on development:

  2. So we figured out the baby was conceived in Puerto Rico...hopefully that bodes well for them to be inclined to learn Spanish!
