Thursday, April 21, 2011

Want List: Baby Seat/High Chair

With how small our house is, I worry about how much stuff a baby needs and where we will put all this stuff. We'd like to get items that do double duty and will last for several growing stages as well as hopefully fold up. This should cut down on the amount of money we are spending as well as the amout of clutter in our house! I've been researching baby seats and high chairs. Traditional high chairs seem so large. I'm not sure we could even fit one in our kitchen, so I've been thinking maybe a seat would be better to feed the baby in.

Here are some I've found:

 I like this one because it goes from infant through toddler. I found at Amazon and is made by Fisher-Price.

I've heard great things about Bumbo chairs, and you can get the table attachment which would make feeding the baby a lot easier.

And this baby chair fastens to a regular adult chair and transports easily. It also comes with a toy attachment for baby's entertainment. I found this one at Amazon and is made by Fisher-Price.

As far as traditional high chairs go, my mom has this one. Ikea makes it. I like it cause it's very small and practical.

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