Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby Names...

Raj and I have not decided if we are going to find out the sex of our baby, so until then, we are keeping things gender neutral. Which means we need to come up with a boy and a girl name. Last night we started discussing baby names. Raj has always liked Alex for a boy, and I have always liked Lilly for a girl. Luckly we both like these names. Now for a middle name. Here are some we've come up with.


Alex Javier
Alex James
Alex Eugene
Alex Thomas


Lilly Mae
Lilly Grace
Lilly Marie
Lillie Kate
Lilly Jane
Lilly Rae

1 comment:

  1. Last night, Raj mentioned the name Eva. We both like this name, so it's on the list as well! I really like how Eva Marie sounds.
