Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 34....

As the weeks draw closer to my due date, I have been feeling axious. I am axious to stop working, anxious to go through delivery, and most of all axious to meet our son. Sometimes these feelings tip more towards excitement and sometimes towards fear. I am trying deal with these feelings as they come, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by them. Other times I am able to handle them without any issues.

I am starting to feel like a walking time bomb. Braxton Hicks contractions are in full swing, and happen daily/nightly. I am also dealing with hemorrhoids. Last week they were very painful, and I took 2 days off of work, just to relax and put my feet up. It helped a lot, and although I do not like calling in sick, I know it was best to do it. I believe I will deliver earlyier than my scheduled due's horrible not knowing when it will's the ultimate patience test! LOL

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