Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Strep B

I was tested last week for Strep B. The results came back yesterday, and I tested positive for it. I was a bit bummed by the diagnosis, but I can't do anything about it, so I'm moving on from it. Basically what it will mean is when I go to deliver I will be given a dose of antibiotics within 4 hours of me delivering and then another one probably after I deliver. If the baby is showing signs of the bacteria, then they will be given a dose of antibitics as well. The antibiotic dose worries me because I didn't want to have to have an IV in during deliver, and I will now have to have one. I need to talk to my Dr. about laboring in the tub to make sure this is still okay. Also I am concerned that if baby is given antibiotics, their gut will be compromised by the loss of good bacteria which could upset their tummy. Because I am allergic to penncillin, and this is typically what they give women for the bacteria, the lab is still working on a sensitivity test to determine what antibiotic will work best for me. Also with this diagnosis, I will have to stay in the hospital longer than we had originally anticipated just so they can watch the baby for signs of the bacteria.

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