Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Week 36...

I am officially 9 months pregnant. One more week and I will be considered full term. They qualifiy full term anywhere between 37 and 40 weeks. What a long time coming this has been. Right when I feel that the baby is finally okay-meaning if he were to be born now he would survive-I start to wonder if I'm ready for him to be born! Kind of a sureal feeling. I am very anxious to meet our son. But still very nervous about the whole process of giving birth and how I will be affected by it. Our bradley classes have done an awesome job on educating us on what to expect for labor and delivery, but I still wonder how I will be affected by it. I'm wondering if my water will break before I start having contractions...if it will break at work...if I will be able to handle the quickly I will give birth....lots and lots of questions. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!

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