Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lots of Aches and Pains

Last Tuesday I began feeling a lot of pains in my lower abdomin. I was concerned that this could be pre-labor. I aske my sisters what they thought. Neither of them knew what it was because it didn't feel like a Braxton Hick contraction. They thought I should call my Dr.'s office...but since I was already scheduled to have a Dr. appt the next morning, I opted to wait and went home and laid down, which helped dramatically. At my Dr.'s appt, she believed the pain I was feeling was my uterus expanding. She said it can be quite painful. But just to make sure she checked to see if I was dialated any. And I am not. She said the cervix is quite soft, which is a good thing, but no dialation yet. She also did a inroom ultrasound on him to check his position. He is still head down! During the ultrasound, she noticed he had already started his practice breathing. This is a very good thing, because if he decided to come early, he is already showing signs that he has lung funciton. Because of this, she said if I go into labor, they will not try and stop it, even though it technically would be pre-term labor.  I was very glad for this.

I have also been experiencing quite a bit of pressure in my groin/pelvis area. Some days it makes it very difficult to take a step. I also am having a hard time bending over to pick up things or put my shoes and socks on.

I have definately been putting on weight the last two weeks, a steady 1-2 lbs each week, which I think is taking a toll on my body. I am up to 18 lbs thus far for the pregnancy. I haven't been eating as well as I had in the beginning, and I should really work on that, and since I have lost most of my energy, and am very tired at night, I have been laying around the house quite a bit more which might have added to the weight gain. My Dr. still insists that I am doing very well with my weight gain, so I am very glad for that.

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