Friday, October 28, 2011

Bradley Class #5

Last night's class was very beneficial. Both Raj and I really enjoyed it. We learned about 2nd stage labor and then we practiced labor positions for almost an hour. Amber set up stations around the room where we could try out various positions during a contraction. We really liked the positions in the bathroom and the positions with a ball the most. I found out I like to "move" or "sway" when I'm in pain and they said that's good to realize the types of things you do to relax. We are also considering hiring a doula for the labor. Amber's friend and midwife, Pita, has been coming to our class, and Raj and I think we'd like to hire her as our Doula. She is a certified Mid-wife, a doula, and has previously been an EMT. So she's very knowledgable and we feel we can trust her, plus she seems really caring. We haven't decided quite yet, but that's what are thinking.

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