Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby dropping....

I realized on Sunday that my belly looked alot lower than it had. I asked Raj if he could noticed, and sure enough he said, yep. Monday, I started to feel pain in my anus and after some investigating, turns out I have hemorrhoids. Oh joy! Ironically I have never had them before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. So far they aren't too bad. Since I haven't been constipated and I've been drinking alot of water and eating fiber foods, plus a fiber pill, I believe I got them from him dropping further down and pressure is being applied lower than it had been. I emailed my Dr, to find out what she recommends for them. Basically, use Witch hazel, dont' stand/sit too long at a time, drink lots of water, and eat fiber, only use medication cremes for three days or less. I also researched them, and discovered that icing the area helps, so I've been doing that in the morning and at night. I'm hoping they clear up before I have him....

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