Friday, October 7, 2011

Bradley Method Classes 1 & 2

We started our Bradley Method classes series last week. I was really anxious to go to the first meeting...just curious what it would be like and wondered if I'd like the instructor and what not. After the class, I felt really good about it. I was surprized at how many couples are in the class...typically there are 5 or so couples, but we have double that! But it's been really cool to get to meet everyone so far, I hope at least with some of the couples we can stay connected after the class.

The first week we learned about relaxation techniques as well as exercises we should be doing and read an article on epidurals that was very informative. The second week, we focused on nutrition. While I was studying our homework on nutrition, I found myself concerned about how much weight I have gained, and wondering if I've increased my blood volume enough. In these classes, they concentrate more on the types of food you are eating, rather than the amount of weight you are gaining. I am totally fine with that, but I haven't gained that much weight, so it concerns me that my blood volume hasn't doubled like it should. The blood volume is important for many reasons, but mainly because it is providing nutrients to your uterus, a muscle that needs to grow considerably during your pregnancy (from 2 oz to 2 lbs). If this doesn't increase you can have problems during delivery with it contracting properly, which could hinder your progress in labor. Also we learned the importance of protein in our diet. I should strive to eat about 100 grams of protein a day. After tracking my food intake, it appears I do a pretty good job of this, but will try and concentrate more on eating protein from now on and less carbs.

I have all but decided I will not be betting a epidural for my labor. I am basing this on a couple of things. I want to experience the natural progression of labor and don't want to hinder it by putting drugs in my body. Also, I don't want to deliver a baby that is drugged up. A small percentage of me is worried about the side effects of the medication on me both temporary and long term. I am not completely confident yet to say I am doing it without an epidural. I am hoping that these classes will help me gain the confidence to say for sure that I will do it naturally, but as of right now, it is my wish to do it naturally.

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