Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 30 Ultrasound

We had another ultrasound this week to measure how large baby is. They estimate his weight at 4.7 lbs. Still about a l lb over what they'd like him to be.  A few days later we had our pre-natal appt with our new Dr, Dr. Wright. I really like her, but am sad that Dr. Hicks won't be with us anymore. Dr. Wright talked with us about his weight and wanted us to prepare ourselves for a possible c-section if he's still measureing large when we deliver. I expressed to her that I do not want a c-section and would make a determination on that at the last moment if we were to run into problems during birth. I explained that we want to have a natural child birth with no medications and would like to labor in water. She was very receptive to our wants and signed our form for a water labor. Even though we are going to deliver at SW Washington, and they allow their patients to birth in the water, because we have Kaiser insurance, Kaiser will only let us labor in the tub, we have to get out and birth the baby on the bed. I'm okay with this, but don't like that there are so many restrictions on birthing in general.

Other than that, the Dr. appointment went well. We go again in 4 weeks, and then after that start our 2 week appointments.

Here is a picture from our ultrasound. It's he so adorable!

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