Thursday, September 29, 2011


Last weekend I headed out second hand shopping for some baby things. Raj had to work, and it was raining and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day! I was going to try and go to some garage sales, but most had been canceled because of the rain, so I decided to hit second hand stores. It's always a fun adventure and you never know what you might find!

First I hit the Good Will in Fisher's Landing. I can always find good stuff there. And this trip didn't disappoint. I found a brand new bouncer seat that vibrates for $20! I was so excited. I also got a couple outfits and a pair of shoes and some baby towels. I then went to Spankies. I found a jack-pot of name-brand clothes there! I probably got 10 to 12 outfits plus a bunch of onsies (Calvin Klein baby)! Next I headed to my old stomping grounds, Once Upon a Child. At this point, I was feeling a bit tired, and when I walked in there and saw all the stuff they had, I felt completely overwhelmed. I looked around a bit...they have a TON of stuff there, and finally decided on a set of baby bibs. After there, I took a quick look at the Value Village on 4th Plain and the Good Will on 4th Plain, but didn't come up with much, just a crib sheet.

I had a great time looking for things for baby. Once I got home, I decided I needed to do an inventory of everything I've received so far for the baby. So I got everything out, and washed and the organized into size/category. Then I made an inventory of everything I had in word. Call me anal...but it felt really good to get it all done!

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