Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Tiny Little Heart Beat

Yesterday was our first prenatal appointment. I was nervous for it, just because I wasn't sure what all was going to happen. I really love my Dr., Dr. Hicks. She is awesome. She did the vaginal ultrasound first. It was such a great experience being able to see the tiny little heart beat on that screen. I can't believe it was beating so fast! Unfortunately, due to a rather old machine, the Dr. was not able to get a good picture of the baby, or get it measured to determine a due date. Because of this, we are going on Friday to Salmon Creek to get a real ultrasound done. I'm very excited to see the baby again. After the ultrasound, I will complete the blood work tests that need to be done.

I was a little concerned that there was a problem with the baby, but the dr, reassured me that the baby was fine, it was just the machine that was having problems. I felt a lot better after she said that!

After the vaginal ultrasound, she procedded with the pap test and breast exam. I think it's horrible that they do a breast exam when your breasts are so tender. I was in so much pain last night because of it. They feel like they are bruised! After this, the Dr, went over alot of information. We decided to do some genetic testing, along with the other blood work I need done. I am also going to do a glucose test with my blood work. Typically you wait to do that until about 20 weeks, but because I am over weight, she wants to do it ahead of time, just to make sure everything is okay. We are also rechecking my thyroid because I have a family history of thyroid disease.

We were given a huge packet of information, which Raj and I went over last night. It also contained a dvd that we watched, and it was actually really helpful. We need to fill out our registration for the hospital next, and schedule a hospital walk through. There are also a few classes we are thinking of taking.

Last night, I was so exhausted. I'm not sure if it was because I worked earlier, or just because it was an emotional day, but I seriously ached last night. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep well last night, so today I woke up just as tired. I'm hoping I can take a small nap at lunch and that it will revitalize me.

Also, yesterday we mailed out our pregnancy announcements. I'm expecting to be getting some excited calls either today or tomorrow!

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