Wednesday, May 4, 2011

7 Weeks...

Today we are officially at 7 weeks...only 33 more to go! LOL The last week, I have really been feeling like I am pregnant...thankfully no throwing up yet, but very nauseous. I've been drinking a lot of ginger-ale and actually my "sea bands" have been really helping. I've been having some issues with food...onions are a big one and then just randomly food will start making me gag. Raj doesn't quite understand, but either do I really. There are a few particular smells that are have been bothering me. One is the smell of the dryer going...smells like dirty socks or feet. Yuck. And then last night, raj was steaming green beans, and they smelled horrible. Also the smell of coffee sets me off.

I measured today, I've been trying to measure each week, and I've grown inch in my stomach (48), hips are still the same (57). I had weighed myself during the week, and it appeared like i had gained 3 lbs, but today I was back down to my same weight, (276) so I'm not sure if it's just water weight or the fact that I haven't been eating as much because I've been nauseous...I'm not sure, but I'm glad I'm staying within a weight range. I am very nervous of gaining too much weight as I am already over weight to begin with.

I have been very tired this week, opting to take naps when I get home, and occasionally taking a small one in the car during lunch. I've noticed a small amount of swelling in my feet, so I am keeping them elevated when I get home for about 10 minutes. And we are still walking most nights.

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