Thursday, May 12, 2011

Telling Work...

Yesterday, I told work that we are expecting a baby in December. I can't beieve how exstatic everyone was! It is great to have so much support from everyone. I was very nervous to tell people at work. I think part of me is still worried about miscarrying, and that worry, makes me not want to share our news, but I realize that I will need support no matter what happens. And I have to stop thinking about all the bad things that could go wrong, and concentrate on the good!

Here are all the well wishe's so far we've received from work:

Congratulations. Being a parent is the hardest and absolutely best thing I have ever done. You will be a wonderful mother.

Congratulations, you’ll be a fantastic mother and the both of you will be great parents.
How wonderful! Congratulations to both of you.
No wonder you looked like you were beaming  - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  I AM SOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU
2011 is turning into quite the year for you – WOW       I’m just really excited – good thing I’m over here or I’d be hugging on you!!
Wow Deena, what wonderful news!!  Congratulations to you and Raj!!
Congratulation!  Wow, two new Passenger Service Reps in one year!  I am happy for you!
Wow, that's a surprise!!  This is great news for 2011!!  I'm very happy for you. Lots of new babies this year for work and your family. 3 in one year for the family.
Congratulations to both of you
Ok  -   now I’m crying, I’m such a sap when it comes to babies!!
Congratulations and Best Wishes.  This is very exciting.  How is Oliver handling the news? 
Another baby! Congratulations Deena !
Oh my goodness, I’m so excited for you!  Congratulations!  Is this why you weren’t feeling well?  I sort of wondered.
YAY!!! I am so excited for you!!!

Along with these, I've had lots of hugs from others expressing their well wishes as well!

*The 2nd baby that some of the comments refer to are regarding another co-worker, Julyla, who is also pregnant and due in September. We have affectionately been labeled, Momma 1 and Momma 2!

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