Monday, May 2, 2011

Being Tired Sucks...

I am quickly learning that I cannot do what I think I can do. This hit me while we were cleaning out our garage on Sunday. I can't lift anything heavy for starters, which made me feel really bad for Raj because he had to lift all the heavy stuff by himself, but also, I had to take breaks all the time. By 8pm, I was so exhausted, I had to go inside and put my feet up while Raj finished bringing everything inside. It's very frustrating not to be able to help. I felt so exhausted, my entire body hurt and I still feel tired today.

Another symptom I am feeling right now is cold. I am constantly cold, and cant' seem to warm up. I just want to put a warm pack on me, or take a really hot shower...but since I've been told that is bad for the baby, I have resulted to layers...lots of layers! Yesterday it was 70 degrees outside, and I put on my long underwear! LOL

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