Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Out Of The Bag....Kind Of...

Well, this weekend, for Mother's Day, we told our parents that we are pregnant. We were both a little nervous and excited.

We told Raj's family on Saturday. We had his grandmother, who is blind, open the booties. She couldn't tell what they were, but his mom knew right away and gasped. I finally told her they were baby booties. She looked puzzled, and said, what am I going to do with these...So I said, well, I think that means you are going to be a great-grandmother. She then got it, and was really excited. Everyone was very excited and shocked.

We told my family on Sunday. My mom was busy talking about my Grandmother, while she was opening up the gift. All of the sudden she stopped when she opened it, and said, You're Pregnant??? Then my dad's ear's perked up and he said, What, She's pregnant. And I said, Yes. They were both very excited!

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