Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Grandma and Papa Crawford finished the cradle for baby! It turned out so awesome! Thank you, Thank you!!!!

We have now finished most of the babies room. We put up shelves in the closet and have everything loaded in. We have not bought the crib, but figure we have time to buy that since he won't be in that for a while. Finally feeling like we are ready for him to come!

Week 36...

I am officially 9 months pregnant. One more week and I will be considered full term. They qualifiy full term anywhere between 37 and 40 weeks. What a long time coming this has been. Right when I feel that the baby is finally okay-meaning if he were to be born now he would survive-I start to wonder if I'm ready for him to be born! Kind of a sureal feeling. I am very anxious to meet our son. But still very nervous about the whole process of giving birth and how I will be affected by it. Our bradley classes have done an awesome job on educating us on what to expect for labor and delivery, but I still wonder how I will be affected by it. I'm wondering if my water will break before I start having contractions...if it will break at work...if I will be able to handle the quickly I will give birth....lots and lots of questions. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Strep B

I was tested last week for Strep B. The results came back yesterday, and I tested positive for it. I was a bit bummed by the diagnosis, but I can't do anything about it, so I'm moving on from it. Basically what it will mean is when I go to deliver I will be given a dose of antibiotics within 4 hours of me delivering and then another one probably after I deliver. If the baby is showing signs of the bacteria, then they will be given a dose of antibitics as well. The antibiotic dose worries me because I didn't want to have to have an IV in during deliver, and I will now have to have one. I need to talk to my Dr. about laboring in the tub to make sure this is still okay. Also I am concerned that if baby is given antibiotics, their gut will be compromised by the loss of good bacteria which could upset their tummy. Because I am allergic to penncillin, and this is typically what they give women for the bacteria, the lab is still working on a sensitivity test to determine what antibiotic will work best for me. Also with this diagnosis, I will have to stay in the hospital longer than we had originally anticipated just so they can watch the baby for signs of the bacteria.

Not so fun stuff....

So the past few weeks, I have been having problems with hemorrhoids. I have never had these before and I never want to have them again! Yuck. What a pain! I had them so bad, I took off 2 days from work so I could rest. My Dr. said I could use an over the counter creme like Preperation H for up to 3 days...but I ended up using it for almost a week. They want you to limit the amount of time you use it because it can thin the skin down there and you don't want it to be thin when delivering. Also she suggested I use pads with which hazel in them, which have really helped. Another remedy I found was to ice the area, or actually rub ice on them....this really helped!

Last Growth Ultrasound....

We had our last growth ultrasound on the 10th of November. From this they guess he is approximately 6.3 lbs. The Dr. says, his weight gain has tapered off a bit, even though he is still considered big. She now thinks he will be anywhere between 8.5-9 lbs. Originally they thought he'd be over 10 lbs. Since it's all an estimate, I'm trying to not concern myself too much with the number...he'll be what he will be!

Here is a profile picture from this ultrasound:

Lots of Aches and Pains

Last Tuesday I began feeling a lot of pains in my lower abdomin. I was concerned that this could be pre-labor. I aske my sisters what they thought. Neither of them knew what it was because it didn't feel like a Braxton Hick contraction. They thought I should call my Dr.'s office...but since I was already scheduled to have a Dr. appt the next morning, I opted to wait and went home and laid down, which helped dramatically. At my Dr.'s appt, she believed the pain I was feeling was my uterus expanding. She said it can be quite painful. But just to make sure she checked to see if I was dialated any. And I am not. She said the cervix is quite soft, which is a good thing, but no dialation yet. She also did a inroom ultrasound on him to check his position. He is still head down! During the ultrasound, she noticed he had already started his practice breathing. This is a very good thing, because if he decided to come early, he is already showing signs that he has lung funciton. Because of this, she said if I go into labor, they will not try and stop it, even though it technically would be pre-term labor.  I was very glad for this.

I have also been experiencing quite a bit of pressure in my groin/pelvis area. Some days it makes it very difficult to take a step. I also am having a hard time bending over to pick up things or put my shoes and socks on.

I have definately been putting on weight the last two weeks, a steady 1-2 lbs each week, which I think is taking a toll on my body. I am up to 18 lbs thus far for the pregnancy. I haven't been eating as well as I had in the beginning, and I should really work on that, and since I have lost most of my energy, and am very tired at night, I have been laying around the house quite a bit more which might have added to the weight gain. My Dr. still insists that I am doing very well with my weight gain, so I am very glad for that.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

6 Weeks Left....

Thankfully my hemoroids are doing better. They are still there, but not so painful. Work has been pretty stressful the last few days, today we find out the results of a vote for additional funding. Last night I had a glass of wine to help me relax, it was the first bit of alcohol I've had my entire pregnancy, and although I was reluctant to drink it, it did help me calm down. Hopefully the citizens of Clark County vote yes on Prop 1 tonight and so we can continue providing bus service to those who need it.

Baby is still moving around quite a bit, and I am busy trying to get everything ready for him. Nesting has definately settled in. ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 34....

As the weeks draw closer to my due date, I have been feeling axious. I am axious to stop working, anxious to go through delivery, and most of all axious to meet our son. Sometimes these feelings tip more towards excitement and sometimes towards fear. I am trying deal with these feelings as they come, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by them. Other times I am able to handle them without any issues.

I am starting to feel like a walking time bomb. Braxton Hicks contractions are in full swing, and happen daily/nightly. I am also dealing with hemorrhoids. Last week they were very painful, and I took 2 days off of work, just to relax and put my feet up. It helped a lot, and although I do not like calling in sick, I know it was best to do it. I believe I will deliver earlyier than my scheduled due's horrible not knowing when it will's the ultimate patience test! LOL