Thursday, August 25, 2011

Name choices....

Well, we thought we were pretty sure about Alex for his name...but recently we have been looking into other options. We have been calling him Alex since we found out the sex, and some days it fits and other days it doesn't. Quite honestly, I don't think any name will feel right until we see our little guy. So right now we are looking at Indian names. We thought it might be nice to incorporate Raj's heritage into his name. Ironically, one of the names we like just happens to be a name similar to one of the name choices Raj's family was going to name Raj. Raj wasn't officially named until he was 18 years old, they had always called him Raj, but wanted an amerian sounding name for his official name. At one point, they were going to name him Rajravi to incorpororate Raj. However, he ended up with the name Charles Rajnaud Parsons. He has disliked this name, for the mear fact that people get confused with it. His legal name is totally different from what people call him. At anyrate, we are looking into changing is name officially. Back to my point- We really like the name Ravi, so we are adding that as an option to the list.

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