Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dr. Appt-Week 22

I had my last Dr. appt last Monday. Thankfully my Dr. was back from vacation, but unfortunately we found out she is also pregnant...and due at the end of I will need to find another Dr. for my remaining two months of pregnancy. She will be available come post pregnancy for which I was very glad, since I really like her. We heard the heart beat and she measured my belly to see how far along I was measuring. She said I was measuring larger than I should, which didn't surprize her. Apparently most women who start their pregnancy over weight tend to measure larger. So to accurately track his growth progress we will have an ultrasound every 4 weeks. I am kind of excited to get to see him every 4 weeks, and hoping his growth is normal. He was fine at the last ultrasound, so I'm not too worried. Ironically, my mother said she always measured father along than what she should even though her weight has never been over what it should be.

At my next appt, I will have to do the fasting glucose test again to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. Like last time, when I had this done, I am nervous for this. I do not want to have this problem. My sister Mandy was diagnoised with this about a month ago. She's had to change her whole diet, which she said, has actually been very helpful and she's even lost a few pounds in her 3rd trimester.

And then a week after I have that test, I will have to go in for my RH- shot. I've heard these really not really looking forward to doing it...but it's necessary, so we'll do it.

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