Friday, August 12, 2011

Aches and Pains....

So far, I think i've been pretty lucky with this pregnancy. I had morning sickness, but nothing severe. Now that I am almost 6 months, and you can definately tell I am pregnant, I've started to have various aches and pains. It started a few weeks ago with swelling in my feet and hands. I've since been a bit more careful about how much salt I've been having and elevating my feet at work occationally and when I get home from work.

Also, I've been having a quite a bit of back pain. It's either in my lower back, or upper back. Raj has been helping with giving me back rubs, which helps quite a bit. I really notice it when I've been walking around alot like when we were at the Fair. I was in alot of pain and had to stop and take breaks and have Raj rub my helped for a while, but after a few hours, it didn't matter what we did. We finally left, I was exhausted, but it was still alot of fun.

The other issue I've been having is heart burn. Some days are worse than others. It seems to hit me when I am hungry and have nothing in my stomach, and also after I've's worse at night...tums are my friend right now!!

Other than that, I am feeling really well, and actually like being pregnant and feeling Alex inside of me!

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