Friday, June 3, 2011

Week 11....

Well, we are at week 11. I have been so sick....but not from morning sickness, I have bronchitis. It started last Wednesday. I finally went to the Doctor on Monday because I continued to feel worse. After a quick exam, he diagnosed me with bronchitis, gave me some antibiotics, and put me off work for a week. I thought, no way will I need a week to recover...boy was I wrong! Being pregnant and sick, is horrible. I have been so exhausted. Today is Friday, and I am finally feeling a bit more like myself.....but still being cautious and trying to not do too much. The antibiotics I was given, have really been upsetting my stomach. I was given a Z-pack. Raj said it's a known side effect...but since I am allergic to other antibiotics, and you have to be careful about the baby, I've stuck with them. Today is my last pill...Thank God!

Today I also decided to start washing the baby gift/clothes we've received so far. I figured if I wash them as I get them, it will be a lot less work to do at the end.

It's hard to believe I am almost out of my 1st trimester. For the most part, my morning sickness has ended...every once in a while I feel ill, but not like I had. Very thankful for that! And I am happy to announce, so far no puking! yay. I really hate to puke! I've noticed my stomach has been protruding out more this past week. My waste is at 49 and my hips at 56.5. My weight is at 272....yes I'm still loosing.

I have one last project to do before I graduate, it's due on this is my official last weekend of doing school work. I am so excited to be finally done! I just have to muster up the motivation to complete it! I can do it...I've come this far...not gonna mess it up now! LOL. Next Thursday night, Raj and I are heading to La Grande for my graduation ceremony. Saturday's the big day. I also found out I am graduating with honors. I was so excited to find this out! All that hard work paid off!

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