Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Trimester: Done!!!

Today marks the end of our First Trimester! Hopefully this means I will start to feel better soon. Actually, I have already begun to notice a change. I've only been nauseous a few days this week, as compared to the past several weeks where it's been an ongoing daily occurance. Thankfully, no throwing up yet! I sure hope I passed the bullet on that one!

I have been having a hard time sleeping lately. Mainly because I am getting up sometimes twice a night to the bathroom. It is very frusturating. Also, I am beginning to show. To some it might just look like a fat tummy, but since I've lost 9 lbs...I know it's not fat! LOL Today for the firs time, I had a co-worker remark how pretty I looked. She said I was glowing. :) Made me feel good, cause this morning I had bags under my eyes from a lack of sleep.

Last weekend your mom became a college graduate! We drove to LaGrande Thursday night to take part in all of the festivities...Friday night was the awards ceremony (I graduated with Cum Laude status) and Saturday was commencement ceromony. My parents also drove over to watch me graduate. We had a great weekend and thankfully nice weather for the outside ceremony. I still haven't gotten used to the fact that I am not on a break and I am actually done with school! I have so many things I want to accomplish! Now I just have to regain my energy so I can get them all done!

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