We found out on Monday that we are expecting a boy! I totally knew the whole time it was a boy. When the tech first said, I think there's a penis right there, it was no surpirse to me. I would of been totally surprised if she would of said it was a girl. Even though she thought it was a boy, I didn't fully believe it till she got a good picture of it....which she finally did...and then it started to sink in. This little think i've been carrying around with me for the last almost 5 months is going to be my son!

So far, the baby looked healthy. I was very relieved because my friend Julyla just received horrible news that her little girl is very ill. She is 15 weeks ahead of me. They found out her baby Allison has downs, had a heart defect, and had fluid built up in her body. She is a very sick girl, and we are all hoping for a miracle baby! I was also relieved to know that the baby is a healthy weight. He is weighing in around 10 oz which is exactly what he should be at this stage. I was so relieved because I have only gained 1 lb however the morning of the ultrasound when I weighed, I had lost another 2 lbs. Thankfully the baby is taking everything it needs from what I eat and leaving me with the left overs!
As far as a name, we still like the name Alex. So for right now we are trying it out to see if it sticks.
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