Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Maternity Leave

Today is my official last day of work...I am so excited to have some time off. The last few weeks have been pretty hard to go to work, just cause I've been so tired, and uncomfortable. It feels good to be leaving, but very strange. I found out from our HR department and from the State, that I have a lot longer than I originally thought I was going to have off. Through the Federal program FMLA I can have 12 weeks of leave. This leave protects my job as well as my benefits no matter if I'm in paid status or not. Then Washington has a seperate program called FLA which covers you for an additional 12 weeks. This program protects your job and will protect your benefits if you are in paid status. If you aren't in paid status then you will have to pay for your health care premiums. I have not fully made my decision if I will take all of the leave...it depends a lot on weather Raj is working full time or not, but it's nice to know that if I want the extra time, I can have it. So I will either be back at the end of February or at the end of April....or perhaps I won't even come back...that's still an option too depending on how things go.

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