Thursday, September 29, 2011


Last weekend I headed out second hand shopping for some baby things. Raj had to work, and it was raining and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day! I was going to try and go to some garage sales, but most had been canceled because of the rain, so I decided to hit second hand stores. It's always a fun adventure and you never know what you might find!

First I hit the Good Will in Fisher's Landing. I can always find good stuff there. And this trip didn't disappoint. I found a brand new bouncer seat that vibrates for $20! I was so excited. I also got a couple outfits and a pair of shoes and some baby towels. I then went to Spankies. I found a jack-pot of name-brand clothes there! I probably got 10 to 12 outfits plus a bunch of onsies (Calvin Klein baby)! Next I headed to my old stomping grounds, Once Upon a Child. At this point, I was feeling a bit tired, and when I walked in there and saw all the stuff they had, I felt completely overwhelmed. I looked around a bit...they have a TON of stuff there, and finally decided on a set of baby bibs. After there, I took a quick look at the Value Village on 4th Plain and the Good Will on 4th Plain, but didn't come up with much, just a crib sheet.

I had a great time looking for things for baby. Once I got home, I decided I needed to do an inventory of everything I've received so far for the baby. So I got everything out, and washed and the organized into size/category. Then I made an inventory of everything I had in word. Call me anal...but it felt really good to get it all done!

We have an accrobat inside of me!

Two days ago, I was startled by movements the baby was doing inside of me. It felt like he did a complete flip inside of me! It was completely crazy! I've never seen my belly move like that before. He is definately very active, especially at night and he seems to like to kick or punch down near my bladder...which is not very fun for me! But I do love to feel him move I'll take it!

I passed!!!

I took the horrible 3 hour glucose test last week, and thankfully I passed it! I was so relieve to get the news. The first hour of the test was the worst and it got better each additional hour. It just suckes that you have to wait in the office for 3 hours 1/2 hours.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How big is baby???

Last Thursday we had another ultrasound to determine how big the baby is. During my monthly prenatal appointment, the Dr. tried to measure me, but couldn't so they sent me for an ultrasound. We found out he is already 2.9 lbs which is about a pound over what he should be. He's in the 95th percentile for weight. Big boy!!! At this rate, they estimate he will be 10 lbs at birth....a bit large for my comfort! They said it could just be genetics....we do tend to have large babies in our family...and I was 9.6, or it could be due to gestational diebetes. So, I had my glucose test done, and it came back high. They want it to be under 131 and mine came back 152. Bummer! So tomorrow I go in for a 3 hour fasting test. I am not looking forward to it, but know it's necessary. Also they did blood work and found out I am borderline anemic. The results weren't off the chart, so they aren't recommending I take anything, besides maybe trying to eat more iron in my diet...but this could explain why I've been so tired.

At my Dr. appt on Monday, I had gained 5 lbs. The Dr. said this was till fine. It puts my total to 10lbs so far for the pregnancy...which I think is good, but she only wants me to gain between 11 and 20 lbs for the whole pregnancy. I have noticed this week especially, I feel like I am wanting to eat all the time...and my heartburn has been really bad. I have also noticed I feel foggy after I eat, and I'm curious to find out if this could be from low blood sugar.

At any rate, whether or not the fasting test comes back high again, I am going to start on a diabetic diet. I think either way it will help me and baby. I do not want to be forced into a c-section and that's exactly what they will do if the baby is still measuring 10 lbs or more once we get closer to his birth.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weight Gain...

Well, the weight gain has officially set in. I appear to be gaining 1 lb a week pretty consistantly for the past 3 weeks. While I realize this is healthy....I still can't get it in my head that it's okay. I just hope it stays at 1 lb a week and doesn't go any higher than that!

Somethings I've noticed that are harder to do than before are putting on my shoes and socks, and rolling over in bed...especially if I have a full bladder! LOL

I have also noticed my belly button starting to feel smaller when I clean it. It hasn't popped out yet, but I'm thinking it probably will by the end of my pregnancy.